AFTRS documentary masters journal
Protest photo and video essays
Gig photo and video essays
School Strike 4 Climate protests outside Kirribilli House
School Strike 4 Climate protests outside Kirribilli House. “The Climate crisis is at our doorstep, so now we are at yours.”
For climate jobs and justice
Climate activists rallied in Sydney on December 12 opposing the governments gas led recovery and demanding climate jobs and justice.
The flying foxes of Parramatta River // Wanderings Eps 2
In the second episode of Wanderings I go down to the Parramatta River, land of the Burramattagal clan of the Darug people.
Gamil Means No
Young Gomeroi leaders led a passionate protest in Sydney on December 3 in opposition to Santos plan to drill 850 coal seam gas wells on their country in north west New South Wales.
Fund our future - not gas SS4C 2020
Communities across Australia turned out in hundreds of locations to demand climate action and oppose the Scott Morrison government's drive for a gas-led economic recovery on September 25.
A Rebellious Spring // Naarm (also known as Melbourne) October 2019
7 days, dozens of disruptions and hundreds of climate rebels arrested marked Extinction Rebellion's Spring Rebellion in Naarm (also known as Melbourne) during October of 2019. Here is a documentary I made of the protests.
Lockdown Green Left video show
During the hardest lockdown in Sydney over April and May I created a series of videos for Green Left discussing different aspects of the lockdown measures and how COVID-19 and the government’s response relates to capitalism and the ecological crisis.