Published in Italy
One of my recent Green Left refugee articles titled "Manus, Omid and the campaign against offshore detention and resettlement" got published in Carta di Roma — an Italian newspaper that specialises in refugee and immigration reporting and is supported by numerous journalist organisations.On their website they say:
"The Association Carta di Roma has been founded in December 2011 with the goal of implementing the Journalist’s Code of Conduct on immigration, signed by the National Council of Journalists (CNOG) and the National Federation of the Italian Press (FNSI) in June 2008. Carta di Roma seeks to be a stable reference point for those who work on daily basis with media and minorities issues: journalists, media operators, as well as various institutions, associations and activists involved in promoting and supporting the rights of asylum seekers, refugees, minorities and migrants in the field of media reporting."
Read more about them and have a look at their reporting here: you want to read the article in Italian, here you go: published in English here: