Sentinel Eye/Spy exhibition features some of my Photos
If you get down to the WA Art Collective Gallery on 115 Hay st, Subiaco before April 19 you can check out and even buy some of my photos in large print (70 x 100cm). Including a recent one of the Matagarup tent embassy where people surround and protect the sacred fire as mounted police in the background remove camping gear.For more about the exhibition and why my photos are in it read onThe exhibition is curated by Lee Kinsella who one day sent me an email out of the blue one day expressing interest in using some of my photos of protests in the Perth city as part of an exhibition around the concept of surveillance and place of camera's in today's society.Walking into the space is a little freaky, as their are cameras mounted everywhere coming out of photos from 19th century London (Now with one of the most extensive surveillance networks in the world) to inside bird cages. Their all part of the work of artist Miriam Stannage.In the context of the Libs and ALP pushing through new metadata laws and after all the Snowden files that showed how the NSA is spying on the world that came to light a couple of years ago, this exhibition comes at a poignant time.It's not just the state that is capturing and spying on everyone in an Orwellian style. Citizens around the world are creating their own network of cameras connected via social media. That in some cases have being used to hold state's to account or at the very least challenge their version of events and build opposition to their actions.
If you go to a rally these days you will see all a whole variety of people with cameras and phones capturing the protest. Often accompanied by the police, who regularly film and photograph activists.I often try and get a few good shots of people capturing the protest in part as a reflection of another element that makes up protest. Though more so because it ties into changing the narrative from the one that corporate controlled media spins to one built by activists about creating a world based on the interests of all of society and not the corporate elite.You can find more information about the exhibition here: