Stop Aboriginal Deaths in Custody Protest at the G20

Activists turned out in hot conditions to protest against Aboriginal Deaths in Custody at the G20.Here are some photos of the protest G20 Protest - Stop Deaths In Custody  (14 of 22) G20 Protest - Stop Deaths In Custody  (20 of 22) G20 Protest - Stop Deaths In Custody  (9 of 22) G20 Protest - Stop Deaths In Custody  (1 of 22) G20 Protest - Stop Deaths In Custody  (19 of 22) G20 Protest - Stop Deaths In Custody  (17 of 22) G20 Protest - Stop Deaths In Custody  (16 of 22) G20 Protest - Stop Deaths In Custody  (22 of 22) G20 Protest - Stop Deaths In Custody  (13 of 22) G20 Protest - Stop Deaths In Custody  (18 of 22) G20 Protest - Stop Deaths In Custody  (2 of 22) G20 Protest - Stop Deaths In Custody  (5 of 22)


Protesting the G20


D2 of the Peoples Summit at the G20